Sunday 24 January 2010

Waitressing, Jammy Reunion and GINGER.

It's Today's Jam here. And there has been quite a noticeable change to my poor little pixie crop....It was a delightful jammy colour...a kinda cherry red was quite it is not. Now it is bright ORANGE. Word of advice to you lovely, very intelligent people who read this. NEVER TRY AND DYE YOUR HAIR PLATINUM BLONDE IF YOUR HAIR IS ALREADY DYED RED. IT WILL FAIL.
Take it from someone who has experienced this disaster....
I look like a cheap Hayley Williams/La Roux rip-off
My hair isn't just gingerish it is ORANGE.
NOT GOOD. It doesn't go with any of my clothes!!!
aannnnyywaaaay....GOOD NEWS. very, very good news. There will be a jammy reunion!!! In March, Izza a very talented photographer adn very very awesome friend of ours....who is in fact a member of Angulimala!! is doing a photography project...entitled 'doomed youth'. Myself and Bonnie are modelling for this project and Red and Jenni are coming up to London too!! IT'S GONNA BE A JAMMY REUNION.
While there we are also gonna have an Angulimala!! photoshoot!!
It's gonna be sick.
On a slightly less exciting note....I have a job!! Which means money...
Umm...I am returning to waitressing!! :( Nightmare!!
aahh welll....


99 red balloons go POP.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

We eat. We sleep. We hit people.

Hola, anarchists of the future. Tis Timless Jam reporting.
The pictures above paint a short, abrupt, and terribly accurate picture of how I spend my (surprisingly rare) boredom-filled nights at home.
I haven't seen the other Jams in a long while... It's getting rather frustrating.
Going cold turkey est ne pas bien.
So, I've decided to introduce something new to my lifestyle.
Which brings me to my next point-
Basically, I was like, christ almighty I'm bored, and cranking over The Bear Jew (dare I say it) is getting a little repetitive.
Yes, even I know thats not true. Tis still fulfilling.
So, yes, boredom basically led me to a French song which you all should know. If you don't, not only am I surprised you haven't heard of it, but I'm also a bit hungry and extremely fatigued.
Here it is, in all its glory.

Non, rien de rien,
Non, je ne regrette rien,
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait,
Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal.
Non, rien de rien,
Non, je ne regrette rien,
C'est payé, balayé, oublié,
Je me fous du passé.

Avec mes souvenirs, j'ai allumé le feu,
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs, je n'ai plus besoin d'eux,
Balayées les amours, avec leurs trémolos,
Balayées pour toujours, je repars à zéro

Non, rien de rien,
Non, je ne regrette rien,
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait,
Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal.
Non, rien de rien,
Non, je ne regrette rien,
Car ma vie car mes joies,
Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi.

I can sing it now! Yaaay. Praise be to Edith Piaff, and culture.
Also, when you are stuck between Bear Jew cranks and culture, stealing things passes time nicely.
Au revior, ma petite pomme de terres, rester folle. xx

Monday 18 January 2010

Science and Lack of Morals....

It's Today's Jam here!! Of course, I'm the only one with no it seems anyway...or maybe I'm the COOLEST.
I, along with Tomorow's Jam and Yesterday's Jam have a science modular exam on Wednesday....meh.
I in a really really shit protest have decided not to revise, not sure what I'm really going to gain from this....ah well....
I feel evil...I have a new laptop and its all fast and I have given into the evil that is limewire. It is true. I have no morals. Jenni made me feel better, discussing underground bands that just want you to listen to their band and don't care if you pay....however I still feel kind of bad...but I don't have enough money to buy music!! I want to buy clothes!!

Annyyywaaay...I'm offff....
Au revoir

Oh wouldn't it be nice, to get on with my neighbours, they make it very clear, they've got no time for ravers....

(God bless the sixties) (and The Jam)

Friday 15 January 2010

Exams, Ska, Birthdays and Scarves....

Bonjour mon petit chouchous!!
Ca va??
It's Today's Jam here!!
I'm trying to think of something interesting and witty to say but unfortunately I am not that intelligent....
And!! I along with yesterday's Jam and Tomorow's Jam have a science exam on wednesday!! which sucks!! Especially because it means Yesterday's Jam now isn't allowed to go to a gig on Sunday!! And it sounded so sweeeeet....
Reel Big Fish, supported by Sonic Boom Six!! We love Ska!!
ahh!! damn you cruel world!!

It's our buddy Sazza's sixteenth today, I along with another buddy Katie went against my morals to make lickle Sazza happy and bought her a Jack Wills scarf. She liked it. And sooo tomorow we catch the bus to Plymouth, go to the cinema to watch 'Have you met the morgans?' (Don't judge it was Sazza's choice and it has got Hugh Grant) and then stuff ourselves in Pizza Hut!! ahhh!!

I'll see you cats on the flip flop!!!
(And if you see my ex-punk, tell him I want my scarf back)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Salsa Baby.

In school we are required to do physical education. Generally, I hate it, I can't catch, throw, run like a normal person, or find running around a freezing cold astroturf to be a thrilling experience. But this year, we took a "leadership" route, which basically means we get to stay inside, teach old people how to roll a ball around in their hands, (we also sang to them), and teach insane little kids how to do African Tribal dancing, (we got letters and everything). But anyway, thats not what I wanted to talk about. Today, we learnt SALSA DANCING, well, the basic steps. But still, we fucking RULED. I am not kidding. We could roll our hips like PROS. We're thinking of teaching lessons... lol

Oh! We have also started a journal, which is kind of like this... but in a book. But I'm sure we'll think of exciting things to write inside...


Friday 8 January 2010

A stroke of genius.

Bonjour mon petite anarchists!
Tomorrows Jam here. I think I may introduce myself as that from now on... confuse people. Anyway, thats not the point, I wanted to show you a mini song I came up with the other day, here goes...
Roses are thorny,
But I am horny,
So come to bed you slag.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but I came up with that on the SPOT people!
You want to know something else genius? Timeless Jam and I came up with a name for my brothers jazz band, JAZZGASM! Bitchin' I know... =D


Thursday 7 January 2010

Vintage Mature Cheddar

Its's Today's Jam here!! Listening to The King Blues....aaaaaahh they're so awesome. Heads up for anyone planning on marrying me I want 'Underneath the Lampost Light' played at my wedding. 'Tis one FIT song.
So from one fit song to many fit songs. Welcome to the Angulimala!! songbook.
I'm just gonna list them and we can discuss them later.....

Circle those motherfuckin' A's
Red does it with her pirate sword
I'm not on a boat
Alright M.C
Jasmine, that was mailicious
This is my unhappy hydrogen
The dark side of the periodic table
Blame it all on Celia
Blam, tasty blam
My moles are catching up with me
Oh la la la, buttercup
I am thing king
Not a crack whore (yet)
Don't listen to Jenni
Disney lied to me
I want a punk of my own
Yesterdays Jam, Todays Jam, Tomorows Jam, Timeless Jam
Dangle, Dangle (Dangle)
C'mon you prostitute (Ft. Mr.Snell)
I am an Anarchist
Doing it for Jasmine
Everything above the red line
Papa Kilby!!
Electric Soup
Have you seen an Anarchist??
Is it because I'm non-conformist??
You're so non-conformist (you're conformist)
We're so conformist (We're non-conformist)
The BEST cookies
RAD (ical)
LWUV is the best kind
The intelligence frightens me
Am I sick Jasmine??
Corporate Whores
Sabre tooth sycamore (tiger woods)
'That's kinda sick' 'It's an anti-globalisation statement' 'Oh'
Look Jasmine, fence
I don't believe in violence between humans and other humans, humans an objects on the other hand....
Top of the Froth
'She's gone really hyper' 'It was the anarchist coffee'
That's really cute (in a sick kind of way)




Hola people, Timeless Jam of London here. :) So, as you already know from Today's Jam, I am the fourth in a gang of anarchists/jews/aryan/gypsy/athiest/punks called ANGULIMALA!. This being a war cry meaning 'necklace of fingers'.
We bring meaning to the phrase.
So I was just posting to holler at you all, and to say that with a bit of luck, Today's Jam and myself will consult and get Yesterday's Jam to get her arse on here to do a post which includes all our song names. Well, all the songs on the first album anyway, BEFORE we become crack whores...
But yeah, that'd be awesome on ice.
So, I will leave you with these wicked lyrics from a song called 'Smoky Joe's Cafe';
"Ahhhh Smokey Joe's Cafe-
One day when I was eating beans at Smokey Joe's Cafe,
Just sitting hitting all the scenes at Smokey Joe's Cafe,
A chick came walking in the door,
That I had never seen before,
At least, I never saw her down at Smokey Joe's Cafe.
And I started shaking when she sat right down next to me!
Her knees were almost touching mine at Smokey Joe's Cafe,
A chill was running down my spine at Smokey Joe's Cafe,
And I could smell her sweet perfume, she smiled at me-
My heart went BOOM!
Then everybody in the room at Smokey Joe's Cafe,
Said, "Man be careful, that chick belongs to Smokey Joe."
Ahhh, no, no...

So yeah, that's just the first bit of that fit song. :)

Welcome to the Anarchy.


I'd like to welcome you to the Anarchy and show you who Angulimala really is!!


The blonde chick, with the glass in her hand, she's our aryan anarchist, Jenni, some may call her yesterday's jam, some may call her a punk. I call her Jashby. Jenni plays the guitar, the piano, the flute and the melodica.

The chick in the black dress, grinning, next to Jenni is Alicja, not in Angulimala!! but a good friend of ours. Her dad is awesome. And her mum loves Olives. Alicja herself, loves Violin, Viola and her spazzy ankle.

The chick with the red hair. C'est moi. Jasmine, Jasminge, Spaz, Spazzimoto, Spazzi Mc Gee, Today's Jam. I own a guitar and an accordion both of which I can't play, however I am kickass at playing the tambourine.

Who's that fitty with all the craazy awesome hair??

C'est Red innit. Tomorow's Jam. She has awesome hair and rather awesome clothes and dress sense. She plays piano and flute and sings rather well also.
Moving onto the next photo, you may recognise, Jenni, myself and Rouge, and then you will see BONNIE!!! Yay!! Bonnie is Red''s cousin, she lives in London and is rather awesome. She plays guitar and harp and I believe also sings.
Remember to crank until you crymax and DO as many drugs as you can lay your hands on kids!!!

A Jammy Gathering.

Angulimala!! have been seperated (not a permanent schism, may I add). No longer are we together. One of our truly awesome members (timeless jam) has had to return to her normal life in London, to be fair, the rest of us are incredibly jealous, Devon sucks. Yet we did get to have one final jammy gathering before she was torn away from us. We gathered at our little Aryan Anarchist's (yesterday's jam) house. We watched some awesome films, Inglourious Bastards, Pineapple Express and American Pie 2. We listened to some awesome music. We ate some awesome curry and caramel shortbread and we drank some awesome tea.

You may be wandering as to why it is called a jammy gathering. Each of our members is a different kind of jam, not in the traditional way, no raspberry, strawberry...e.t.c. Instead, we are Yesterday's Jam, Today's Jam, Tomorow's Jam and Timeless Jam. There is a backstory, which depending on how much we trust you, we may one day tell you.
But, for now, I will see YOU cats on the flip flop.