Monday, 8 February 2010

New Songs!!

In case you had forgotten we are apparently a band!! A kickass band!! Well, we had forgotten!! So here are some new songs for you!! Ok, song titles, but we will get round to writing them one day....

The Mysterious Accordion Player

'I'm one of those people who just carry around a bag of vomit'

Mambo your way to hell, bitch

Perverted Smile

It's like whipping someone with silk

I believe you Jasmine, I just think you're stupid

'Mr.Snell's a dick''That's one hell of a dick''If that's a dick then I sure do love dicks'

Yet more hair dye, Scary Options, Pain and CAKE

It's Today's Jam!!
And the pixie crop is red again!!! YAY!! UMMM....SO HAPPY to be all cherry red again!!!
No postings for a while it seems the other jammy fools won't get off their jammy asses to come post....
Many exciting things have happened!!!
Yesterday's Jam, Tomorow's Jam and I have chosen our options for sixth form!! I have chosen English Literature, French, Drama, History and Critical Thinking....ummm c'est tres excitement.....
I was very in pain....because I have FOUR, count it, FOUR wisdom teeth growing... owie!!!! I have to have them taken out, but the suckish hosiptals don't seem to understand my pain and are all like 'yeaah you have to see a consultant...and then you have to be evaluated and then you're on a waiting list...' TWATS.
So I am on lots and lots and lots of fun little pills.....ummm no more pain....
Also, as I mentioned last time....I am working again so now I have money!! even though I don't like working there!! they don't like my nosestud!! bitches....
And!! Yesterday's Jam, Tomorow's Jam and Myself went to a tea party on Saturday!! OH the excitement!!!
It was Alicja's, one of our buddy's we decorated and ate lots of cake!! 'Twas delicious.....
Wuv you guys wots and wots and wots....
Gotta go....


(I don't get punks....)
(who wants a punk of their own for Valentine's day??)

Hey Little Apple Blossom....
What seems to be the problem??
All the ones you tell your troubles too....
They don't really care for you...